
Her bringes nyheder i den
rækkefølge jeg selv får
kendskab til dem!

For nogen er det "nyhe-
der" og for andre vil det
kun være gammelt nyt ;-)

Du kan hjælpe med at de-
le interessante og lege-
pladsrelaterede nyheder
ved at sende historien til
Legestafetten, så vil det
blive oploaded her!

Ps. Se også "publikationer m.m"


Vidste du:

Child in the City 2014 offers:

  • An international forum for research and good practice in creating child friendly cities.
  • Top class presentations by some of the world’s leading practitioner and academics in the fields of play, children’s geographies, urban planning and many other disciplines.
  • A trade-show on child friendly environments, including an outdoor display of play equipment.
  • A selection of field trips to sites demonstrating different aspects of the child friendly city.
  • Many networking activities with an expected audience of 400 participants from all continents.
  • Key conference themes, including children’s participation and their right to play, leisure and the arts.

We look forward to welcoming you in Odense 2014!


...........tak for besøget og husk, at leg er ikke livsfarlig, den er livsvigtig!
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